Istanbul, Turkey: A booming metropolis that stands as one of
the largest cities in the world with almost 14 million people. Istanbul has
been named the European Capital of Culture, as well as the tenth most popular
tourist destination.
Yesterday began the road of anticipation and excitement that
leads to Istanbul. 76 days. 76 days to prepare for the journey of a lifetime.
11 students. 11 students seeking to learn and grow in a place completely
different from the United States of America. 1 month. 1 month to learn about
the Turkish culture and how it is completely different, but equally valuable as
our own.
Each time a student travels abroad, a new lens is opened.
Study abroad is necessary to enable students to see the world from perspectives
that do not appear until you are immersed and exposed to a culture different
than your own. This is the opportunity we have: to be immersed into such a
powerful culture. Dr.Kearney mentioned a phrase that caught my attention about
the Turkish culture. He called it a “muscular culture,” which is full of
powerful beliefs, values, and customs. Although these may be different than my
own, the purpose of leaving the United States of America is to gain an
understanding of Turkish culture from the people’s perspective, not my own.
My classmates and I look forward to the opportunity to learn
the history, beliefs, and values of the Turkish culture. We are fortunate to
have this opportunity and we are excited to step foot on Istanbul ground.
Great first post! I'm looking forward to following along with y'all's trip on here! Go Pack!